Fun Fact: Belle Ingersol

W.P.A. for Mississippi Historic Research Project

February 10, 1939

Subject:  Fine Arts and Crafts

The writer listed the names of the persons in the county who were accomplished artists.  One of the artists was Miss Bell Ingersol.   A description of her talents and accomplishments in the field of Drama follows:

Miss Bell Ingersol, who lives in Stone County ,recently moved from the East and lives with her parents on a farm ( located three miles east of Wiggins).  Miss Ingersol is a former actress and playwright.  She has played the leading part in several theatrical productions and traveled extensively with theatrical troupes.

She played in moving pictures during silent picture days and has worked  and studied in Chicago and Detroit  under well known picture directors of that time.

Another “Fun Fact” noted that Mr. Cicero Cunningham was known to keep a pair of her shoes in his display case!

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Old Firehouse Museum Wiggins

This is the public website for the Old Firehouse Museum, the official museum for Wiggins and Stone County, Mississippi,